Massaging an ice cube against your facial skin can yield remarkable outcomes! The majority of individuals adhere to some form of skincare regimen, be it a complex ceremony involving various creams and lotions or merely cleansing their face prior to bedtime. It’s essential to prioritize skincare as our faces endure considerable stress throughout the day.
But have you ever tried rubbing ice cubes on your face?

Những công dụng tuyệt vời của đá lạnh trong đời sống hàng ngày


Between the elements, indoor heating, cosmetics, and sun exposure, our skin endures considerable strain, making regular skincare a sensible choice. When people consider skincare, they often envision jars of creams or lotions. Some opt to indulge in professional treatments at beauty salons occasionally, although these can be costly endeavors. A single facial treatment may set you back a hefty sum, perhaps even 100 euros or more. One such treatment, Skin Icing, is renowned for its ability to promote radiant skin by stimulating the production of new cells through the application of cool compresses. However, it may come as a surprise that you can achieve similar results and save a significant amount of money by administering this treatment in the comfort of your own home.


Tác dụng không thể bỏ qua khi chườm đá lên mặt?

It improves your blood flow. This means your skin will look more fresh and youthful and it’ll have a healthy glow as well.
It reduces pimples, redness and other irregularities and will make your skin look a lot more smooth.
You’ll look more awake because the coldness is a very effective cure for dark circles around your eyes. It reduces swelling, so say goodbye to those bags under your eyes! To enhance the effect, you can mix some cucumber through the ice cubes as well.
It minimises your pores and makes sure your skin is smooth. This makes it the perfect basis for makeup; it’ll look better and stay put for much longer.
Regularly applying the icing technique can reduce and prevent wrinkles.

So, how do you apply the Skin Icing method? Mix together water with green tea, cucumber juice, rose water, lemon or chamomile tea and pour this into an ice cube tray. Let it freeze in the freezer so the next morning, you can take out an ice cube. Wait a minute or two so that the ice isn’t ridiculously cold anymore. Wrap the ice cube in a plastic baggy or a paper towel – it’s best if the ice cube doesn’t come into direct contact with your skin because extreme cold can damage your skin, and that’s not what you want. Move the ice cube over your face in circular motions. Do this every morning and you’ll be astounded by the result!