We all tend to have a container of mouthwash tucked away somewhere. Undoubtedly, it serves its purpose in maintaining dental hygiene and combating bad breath. However, its utility extends beyond oral care. Originating in the late 1800s, Listerine mouthwash was originally formulated as a disinfectant for surgical settings. Its transition into a popular oral hygiene product occurred in the 1970s, marking its primary function today.

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However, its versatility extends beyond conventional use; consider its effectiveness in swiftly addressing acne. Occasional breakouts are a common annoyance, prompting a desire to conceal until they vanish. Remarkably, applying mouthwash to your face can expedite their disappearance.

This is what you need:
– A cotton pad
– Listerine mouthwash
– Pour a little bit of Listerine on the cotton pad and thoroughly clean your face. Don’t scrub too hard; just gently rubbing your face is enough.

If you have an acne problem you can also use Listerine to clean your face. The alcohol in the mouthwash will cleanse your pores and eventually remove all the uneven spots on your face! You’ll have radiant skin within no time, and all that without expensive treatments or cleansing products! Mouthwash often contains the same refreshing elements as tooth paste and has a drying effect. But beware: aggressive mouthwash such as Listerine can dry out your skin so much that it can damage it. So, make sure you don’t rub too much of it on the pimple, and don’t use it for days on end.