Achieving a toned abdomen with the help of a simple tool? Count us in!
Embracing body positivity is a universal desire. It varies from person to person; some admire voluptuous curves, while others aspire to a sleek midsection. Interested in attaining a flat stomach? If so, delve into the following!

flat stomach
According to this video, a piece of string is all you need.

Getting a flat stomach can seem like a very difficult thing to do. The most obvious way to go about it is to exercise a lot and to not eat too many snacks. In other words: change your entire lifestyle. This is quite the effort, but apparently, it doesn’t have to be that difficult. The word on the street is that all you need to achieve your desired stomach is a piece of string. Of course, eating healthy is a good idea anyway and exercising is good for you as well, so you might want to also do those things anyway.

So, what should you do with that piece of string we mentioned? It’s very simple. You have to tie the string around your waist and tighten your stomach muscles slightly (about 50 per cent). That way, you’ll feel the string around your belly, but it won’t be too tight. Why does this help and what does it do? Apparently, having a piece of string tied around your waste causes you to keep remembering to tighten your muscles, which in turn is said to result in a flatter stomach. Without going to the gym! Can it really be that simple? There’s no harm in trying, so if you want a flat stomach you could always try this out!