Apparently this plant will help you stop snoring
Most of us know how uncomfortable it is to sleep next to someone who snores. As soon as they fall asleep, the noise starts and you have to wake them up, put in earplugs, or deal with it. It can really disrupt your good sleep and your mood is not good at all!

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But don’t despair! there is a solution

To solve all your snoring-related problems, the perfect solution we are talking about is growing plants. And not just any plant, but a pineapple plant. These plants are said to have ‘snoring-reducing abilities’. Because pineapple plants produce oxygen, they help improve surrounding air quality. Better air quality will help you sleep better and more restfully, so placing one of these plants in your bedroom could make a difference!

The tree is grown in the Netherlands and it takes 21 to 24 months to develop a small pineapple at the top. Unfortunately, these pineapples are not inedible so they are only used for decoration. they will come in a cute pineapple shaped vase! They’re available until January, so they could make the perfect Christmas gift for your snorer. No need for some fancy sleep treatment!