This is why you should try pouring boiling water onto your car boiling water.
Auto repair shops and service centers prefer to keep this remarkable method involving hot water under wraps.

Thực hư chuyện đổ nước sôi khắc phục móp méo trên ô tô
Being in a car crash is a terrible experience for everyone affected. It can be incredibly alarming, even in minor accidents. The uncertainty of potential injuries and the consequences of financial consequences only compound the distress.
Damage to your car can cost you quite a bit of money.

In addition to being frightening and potentially distressing, car accidents also come with a hefty price tag. Repairing a significant dent in your vehicle can quickly set you back a few hundred dollars. Many individuals are unaware of the fair market rate for such services, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation by body shops and garages. You may arrive seeking a simple dent removal, only to be presented with a laundry list of additional issues requiring immediate attention, each adding to the bill. This isn’t what you bargained for in an already costly life! Fortunately, we’ve uncovered a solution that will eliminate that unsightly dent from your car without denting your wallet!

boiling water
Boiling water
It’s very easy to repair a dent by yourself! All you need is a kettle with hot water and a toilet plunger. So, how do you do it? We’ll explain!

Fill a kettle with water and boil it.
As soon as the water is boiling, you take the kettle out to your car and pour the water onto the dent and the surrounding area. Do be careful because the water is very hot, of course!
Now it’s time to use the toilet plunger. Put the plunger around the dent and carefully pull it towards you. Slowly and carefully repeat this step a couple of times, making your way towards the dent.
After a few minutes of careful work, the dent will be completely gone! It’s just as if there never was any dent in the first place.